15 Conversation Starters To Get Along With Any Social Group

There are many social events where we bump into friends, common friends, lost cousins and even relatives. Meeting people after a long time, or for the first time, can be awkward for many. Say, do you also fumble, or take help of fillers like ‘umm’, ‘hmmm’, ‘so, what else?’, etc. or just grin in your wordless state? If yes, then you have stumbled upon the right page.

After the usual what do you do and where do you live, talks can become dull, and one could find someone boring. There should be more to your conversation that can help you gel with strangers, and make friends. After all, how else do we make friends?

Here is a list of the best 15 conversation starters to get along with any social group rescuing you out of embarrassing silence and smiles!

1. What are your weekend plans?

Yes, this one is basic, and yet a hit! You already know every fundamental detail, and it’s great to move the talk along with some further information. Most likely, the person is headed towards a fun destination in the weekend, where you can tag along.

2. Which is the most beautiful place you have ever visited?

There is a traveller in everyone we encounter these days. The moment you know that your strange encounter is with one such person, you can fire a plethora of questions at him/her. After all, those tips will come in handy to plan your next trip, and you get to learn something new as well.

conversation starters

3. Hey! Are you into politics? What do you think about the current scenario?

Without us telling, you know that this is a conversation that can be never-ending if you get lucky and find someone who follows politics. You can speak about favourite politicians, the various parties, the current status of your town, the developments you appreciate, and so on.

4. Who do you idolize? Any reasons?

We all have the one person we look up to; this person might also have one. It would be nice to ask who he/she idolizes, and then you can share your idol’s name. Unknowingly, it will become a conversation about qualities, talents and much more!

5. Do you have any pets? Which one/Why not?

After every third person, you will come across an animal lover. If the person does own a pet, then you are in for a treat of varied fun stories. You can go on about your pets if you have any, and how it has made your life different. For all you may know, you could also schedule your next meet-up with your respective pets. Isn’t that cool?

6. Are you currently into any TV/Web series?

Whether one watches series or not, they will have a lot to say about it. Once the conversation begins, it will be a flow of talks leading into an engulfing discussion. You can mention your favorite shows and discuss his/her favorites.

7. I am a reader; are you?

It helps to initiate conversations with more information about you. A reader will immediately find solace in another reader, and things will take a fascinating turn from there onwards.

8. Are you a tech freak? I’m sure you have some amazing apps on your phone!

You might a technology lover, and it would be super fun to know about the varied apps they use. No matter how savvy you are with phones, a techno freak will definitely have something more to add to your experience.

9. What are your favorite restaurants and bars in this vicinity? I would like to explore this area.

Trust us, there is no better conversation than that which involves FOOD. It can go on about the best drinks, cuisines, innovative dishes and what not! That is one yummy conversation to have.

10. So, what’s your story?

Sweet, simple, and yet seeking for an explicit talk. There’s so much that can evolve out of the ‘story’ bit- personal, professional, relationships, etc. Listen, and then go on to share yours. Who knows, you might connect on some level?

11. Are you and the host friends or relatives?

The two of you are at one social gathering, and it might be nice to know how he/she knows the host. One thing could lead to another, and you might end up being friends too making plans to meet again. The stories can be quite intriguing.

12. People aren’t here yet. Being late is my biggest pet peeve; what’s yours?

Anything that you dislike to an extent that it can make you angry or upset is a pet peeve. You might have a lot in common with the person you just met. Even though so normal, it is one deep information you can share with someone.

13. So have you already landed your dream job, or is yet to come?

When it comes to careers and passion, people will always have a lot to talk. It might be interesting to talk about the same, and learn more about the person’s interests and goals.

14. I am so into sports; are you?

The more you share about yourself, the more the person will want to share with you. Sport is a universal topic, and you can keep going deeper with conversations about much-liked sports persons, etc.

15. It was amazing bumping into you here; let’s exchange numbers and catch up over coffee.

Many conversation starters can also be a short talk, leading to another meeting/date. This might be a great way to end a short conversation and yet be a starter.

Now you have it all; the magical sentences to make you likeable amongst strangers. Let the conversations begin!

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