Introduction British English is filled with colorful slang that can both amuse and confuse non-native speakers. Whether you’re planning a trip to the UK or just curious about the local…
Teaching vocabulary is indeed more challenging than learning vocabulary. One of the biggest myths that people who teach vocabulary hold is that they should have the dictionary by heart. That…
Capitonyms could be a new word and concept for many of you readers. But that is the entire idea behind these short lessons, right? The word is quite a give-away…
Here’s another interesting concept of the English language that we pulled right out of the treasure box for you. Palindromes sure sound complicated, but they aren’t if you understand what…
Writers, poets and other such creative people require rhyming words every now and often. You think of a word, and a plethora of rhyming words will pop in your minds,…
There are many social events where we bump into friends, common friends, lost cousins and even relatives. Meeting people after a long time, or for the first time, can be…
Before you fret thinking about how complicated this topic sounds, let me tell you, this is one of the coolest things you will read today. Several teachers have introduced us…
To understand this lesson properly, you should take a look at our previous lesson that introduces the concept of modifiers. It will also take you through the concept of ‘Squinting…
Whenever you add something to a sentence to enhance the meaning or to add more information about it, you need something called a ‘modifier’. Such words are usually adverbs or…