Undoubtedly, we should all try and reduce the use of negative words in our speaking and writing. But there is something that we just do not like and want to express that feeling. At such times, we resort to some frequently used words like bad, dirty, no, refuse, etc. While it should be our effort to express even such emotions with positive sentences, sometimes, it is not possible.
That is why we suggest using a finer list of negative words for the things you dislike to make our language sound more cultivated. After advancing to a certain level with your hold on the English language, you can take up learning these words since they sure are an upgrade.
Negative Words
1. Filthy
As we said above, the word dirty is an overused one, and we need to replace it with a stronger vocabulary. There it is; the word is an adjective that means disgustingly dirty. One could also use it to describe a bad language, like filthy language. Here is an example: Her house was so filthy that I wanted to cancel my stay with her.
2. Malicious
Also an adjective, malicious is a very good replacement for the word bitter or cruel. It showcases the intention of a person to harm someone. Some other synonyms for this word include venomous, spiteful, evil, and vindictive. “He was found guilty of malicious damage.”
3. Untoward
This adjective word means something that is unexpected and inappropriate. Rather than using the frequent negative words like ‘unexpected‘, ‘inappropriate’ or ‘inconvenient‘, you can replace it with this one word. My friend behaved as if nothing untoward had happened in the classroom.
4. Odious
The word unpleasant is one that we use most times when something repels our liking. Replace it with a finer vocabulary word like Odious. Some other words you can use to describe something as repulsive are sickening, hideous, gruesome, abhorrent, and atrocious, to name a few. My uncle, who is an alcoholic, has a very odious character. We do not enjoy his company.
5. Inane
Once you know the meaning, you would want to use this one from the list of negative words, because we come across such people or situations very often. The definition of this adjective word is something that lacks meaning or sense. In short, you can substitute this word for the word silly. The teacher scolder Gary for repeatedly asking her inane questions.
6. Dismal
The word dismal refers to something that causes the mood, or to a person’s mood that is gloomy or depressing. Informally, it also means pitifully or disgracefully bad. The most used antonym of this word is cheerful. The dismal weather made the later afternoon seem like evening.
7. Appalling
You may find this word complicated on your first look, but will change your mind to find a very common meaning to it. Use the word when you want to express for something that causes shock or horrifies you. It also means very bad or awful. The man who participated in the riots and caused a lot of damage had an appalling point of view towards the issue.
8. Grotesque
Once again, don’t let the word scare you. Grotesque refers to something that is comically or repulsively ugly or distorted. Another way to use the word is when you want to describe something that is inappropriately shocking. It is similar to the meaning of the word outrageous. A figure wearing a grotesque mask entered the stage when the lights turned on.
9. Noxious
A sophisticated word to describe something unpleasant, harmful, or poisonous is noxious. The noxious fumes overcame them. The sentence denotes how the air around the people was very toxic.
10. Renege
Renege is the most gripping one on this list of negative words. You can use this word to describe someone who has fallen back on their word, promise, contract or undertaking. Does seem like a word you want to remember, right? The government had reneged on its election promises.
No matter we use positive words or negative words, as a learner, our aim should be to keep upgrading our personal vocabulary with new ones. Describing the same thing that we dislike with finer words makes our writing or speaking sound more proficient.
To read our latest article on a list of words denoting places, click here- http://www.vocabularytoday.com/a-list-of-words-denoting-places-to-boost-your-vocabulary/
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