Today’s word of the day is ‘Enigmatic.’ Let us understand more about this word.
[responsivevoice] enigmatic [/responsivevoice] [ en-ig-mat-ik ]
What is this word’s grammar?
The word is an adjective, i.e., it adds more information about the noun or sentence.
It means:
1. Mysterious
2. Doubtful
3. Cryptic
4. Occult
How is the word pronounced in popular languages?
1. Hindi – Rahasyapoorn
2. Spanish – Enigmático
3. French – Énigmatique
4. Mandarin – Shénmì de
How to use this word in a sentence?
1. There was an enigmatic smile bending ghostwriter bachelorarbeit the scarlet lips as she answered.
2. All trace of stress and strain had left it, replaced by an enigmatic calm.
3. There was the enigmatic dimness, though not dense darkness, of the night.
4. There was an enigmatic smile Ghostwriter Hausarbeit on his lips whilst he awaited Juve’s reply.
5. It rendered him timorous for a moment before that enigmatic door.
What are some synonyms of the word of the day?
Some synonyms ghostwriter preise of the word are:
ambiguous, obscure, dark, equivocal, incomprehensible, indecipherable, inexplicable, inscrutable Rohrreinigung Frankfurt, oracular, perplexing, puzzling, recondite, secret, stickling hausarbeit schreiben lassen, stumping, uncertain, unfathomable, etc.
What are some antonyms of the word of the day?
Some antonyms of ghostwriter erfahrungen the word are:
clear, explicit, obvious, known, plain
I’m a human, and I’m multidimensional. If I was the perfect form of anything, I’d be boring. If I was a free spirit all the time, I would be boring; I would lack depth. If I was dark and enigmatic all the time, then I would lack relatability.
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