Phobias bind many of us in its negatives. A phobia is a kind of fear, for anything under and beyond the sun, which differs from person to person. One can hardly imagine the kind of phobias that exist, but all mostly have a reason as a back-up.
Starting from snakes, spiders, and other animals to other common phobias like that of water, fire, or height, there are many. Surprisingly so, most of them now have a name in the vocabulary world. While the fears are a common phenomenon now, the names are not so common. Wouldn’t it be amusing to know some of them?
Here is a list of 10 common phobias that you need for your vocabulary that takes your word game up a notch.
1. Mysophobia
Mysophobia is amongst the common ones from the many in this list. It is the fear of germs and contamination, which many of us hate! A person with mysophobia will not be able to stand the thought of a virus or may like to keep things extra clean, to keep the germs at bay.
2. Pyrophobia
A person with pyrophobia fears fire, and everything that has to do with this element of nature. According to various studies, this kind of phobia could affect the normal functioning of routine life. In worst-case scenarios, a person with this fear can not even stand fires as small as a matchstick or candle.
3. Xenophobia
Xenophobia may not prevalent common among people but is one of the severe kinds. It means the fear of strangers or people from a foreign land. Some may call this a dislike for people from other lands, but mostly, this is psychological fear. Xenophobic people usually react with symptoms of anxiety.
4. Cacophobia
This one may sound like a new to many, which is the fear of ugliness. Of course, this needn’t be related to one’s perception of ugly people but could mean one’s fear of having to face anything they find unpleasant. This list could include animals, worms, reptiles, slimes, etc.
5. Dystychiphobia
Dystychiphobia draws its origin from the Greek language meaning bad (dys) and accident (tych). A person with this phobia is scared of accidents, hurting oneself, or others. In fact, those who undergo acuteness of this phobia could also fear to damage property.
6. Glossophobia
Also hailing from the Greek language, Glossophobia relates to the anxiety of speaking in the public. One could say that a far extent of this fear could lead to social anxiety.
7. Ombrophobia
Ombrophobia may sound quite bizarre to many, but it is true, which is the fear of rain. A person with this phobia could have an aversion to rain with symptoms of an inability to speak or respond if surrounded by rain. From the vocabulary point of view, it is essential to know that this word is also borrowed from the Greek language.
8. Nosocomephobia
Mostly developed in one’s childhood, Nosocomephobia is an extreme fear of hospitals. A lot of trauma or hospitalizations could lead to this phobia.
9. Lockiophobia
The word Lockiophobia may be a new one in your vocabulary. Even though one wouldn’t accept it as a phobia, the truth of its existence is not deniable. It is the fear of childbirth. Common symptoms of this fear include bodily changes, the worry of giving birth to a healthy child, and the anxiety of dying during childbirth.
10. Tachophobia
This phobia derives its source of doing something too fast, or from anything that has too much speed. Such a person would stay clear of speed racing or other jolly rides. The word is a noun.
With these new words out for us to learn, I am sure that it is going to boost our vocabularies in this genre of English learning.
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