Today’s word of the day is ‘Crinkle.’ Let us understand more about this word.
[responsivevoice] Crinkle [/responsivevoice] [kring-kuh l ]
What is this word’s grammar?
The word is a verb, i.e., it demonstrates an action or an occurrence.
1. Crumple
2. Wrinkle
3. Ruffle
4. Form into small surface creases
How is the word pronounced in popular languages?
1. Hindi – Chrinklai
2. Spanish – Arruga
3. French – Gondoler
4. Mandarin – Zhòuwén
How to use this word in a sentence?
1. We crease the petals with them, and crinkle and vein and curl the outer edges.
2. Glass would not craze like tiles or mosaic; it would not crinkle as will canvas; it needed no varnish.
3. She made it crinkle in her fingers within a foot of the old gentleman’s face.
4. In one breed the wool is apt to wither and crinkle like hay on a sun-beaten hillside.
5. It works on the underside of the leaves along the veins, causing the leaves to pucker, curl, and crinkle much as with leaf-curl.
What are some synonyms of the word of the day?
Some synonyms of the word are:
What are some antonyms of the word of the day?
Some antonyms of the word of the day are:
Flatten, smooth, unwrinkle, straight, clean, untwist, etc.