Tag: concoct synonyms

  • Concoct meaning, usage, quotes, and social examples

    Today’s word of the day is ‘Concoct.‘ Let us understand more about this word. 

    [responsivevoice] Concoct [/responsivevoice] [kon-kokt ]

    What is this word’s grammar?

    The word is a verb, i.e., it describes an action or an occurrence.

    Does the word have a past tense? What is it?

    Yes, the past form of the verb is concocted.
    What is the meaning of the word?
    It means:
    concoct meaning
    1. Make (a dish or meal) by combining various ingredients

    2. Create or devise (a story or plan)

    3. Formulate

    4. Think up

    How is the word pronounced in popular languages?

    1. Hindi- Gadhana

    2. Spanish – Confeccionar

    3. French – Concocter

    4. Mandarin – Biānzào

    How to use this word in a sentence?

    1. She began to concoct a dinner likely to appeal to him.

    2. His cronies concocted a simple plan

    3. The reporter, armed with this information, proceeded to concoct a legend.

    4. It took him some time to concoct his telegram and put it into a cipher.

    5. “He claims it will soothe any nerves the way he can concoct it.

    What are some synonyms of the word of the day?

    Some synonyms of the word are:

    Prepare, make, put together, assemble, cook, fix, rustle up, knock up, contrive, create, devise, discover, dream up, envision, fabricate, hatch, invent,  batch, brew, compound, design, envisage, frame, mature, originate, plan, plot, prepare, project, scheme, vamp, ad-lib, cook up, make up, prefab, slap together, throw together, etc.

    What are some antonyms of the word of the day?

    Some antonyms of the word are:

    Demolish, destroy, ruin, tell the truth, wreck, disorganize, forget, ignore, neglect, etc.


    We should keep in mind that it is easy to concoct stories explaining the past or to become confident about dubious scenarios of the future. We should view both explanations and prophecies with skepticism.

    Leonard Mlodinow

    Social Example:

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