Tag: ebb

  • Ebb meaning, usage, quotes, and social examples

    Today’s word of the day is ‘Ebb.‘ Let us understand more about this word. 

    [responsivevoice] Ebb [/responsivevoice] [eb]

    What is this word’s grammar?

    The word is a verb, i.e., it describes an action or an occurrence, and a noun, i.e., it is the main subject of a sentence.

    Does the word have a past tense? What is it?

    Yes, the past form of the verb is ebbed.
    What is the meaning of the word?
    It means:
    1. The movement of the tide out to sea

    2. (Of tidewater) move away from the land

    3. (Of an emotion or quality) gradually decrease

    4. Recede

    How is the word pronounced in popular languages?

    1. Hindi- Avanati

    2. Spanish – Reflujo

    3. French – Reflux

    4. Mandarin – Luòcháo

    How to use this word in a sentence?

    1. The tide was on the ebb.

    2. On the ebb it’ll snake you out into the breakers sure as I’m settin’ here tellin’ you.

    3. My enthusiasm was ebbing away.

    4. And again and again fell the word, like the ebb of a dying sea.

    5. And with those words, his charity towards Spurling began to ebb.

    What are some synonyms of the word of the day?

    Some synonyms of the word are:

    Abatement, backflow, decay, decrease, degeneration, depreciation, deterioration, diminution, drop, dwindling, flagging, lessening, recession, reflux, retreat, shrinkage, sinking, slackening, subsidence, sweep, wane, waning, weakening, withdrawal, fading away, going out, low tide, low water, outward flow, petering out, refluence, retrocession, retroflex, etc.

    What are some antonyms of the word of the day?

    Some antonyms of the word are:

    Advance, development, enlargement, expansion, growth, improvement, increase, flow, incline, rise, etc.


    None of us are immune to grief, and everyone who has suffered loss understands that grief changes, but you never wake up one morning and you’ve moved on. It stays with you, and, you know, you ebb and flow.

    Terri Irwin

    Social Example:

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