Today’s word of the day is ‘Congeal‘ Let us understand more about this word.
[responsivevoice] Congeal [/responsivevoice] [ kuhn-jeel ]
What is the etymology of the word?
The word derived in the late 14c.
What is this word’s grammar?
The word is a verb, i.e., it demonstrates an action or an occurrence.
Does the word have a past tense? What is it?
How is the word pronounced in popular languages?
1. Hindi – Jamaana
2. Spanish – Congelar
3. French – Figer
4. Mandarin – Níng
How to use this word in a sentence?
1. The blood had congealed around the cut on her knee.
2. Lockdown has distorted our perceptions of time, making months of mandatory monotony congeal into a goo of boredom and malaise.
3. This congealed muck was interfering with the filter.
4. The gravy began to congeal in the pan.
5. The surface of the pond congealed after several days of frigid temperatures.
What are some synonyms of the word of the day?
Some synonyms of the word are:
curdle, thicken, cake, clabber, clot, concrete, condense, dry, freeze, gel, gelatinize, harden, indurate, jell, jellify, jelly, refrigerate, set, solidify, stiffen, gelate, gelatinate, glob up, etc.
What are some antonyms of the word of the day?
Some antonyms of the word are:
heat, liquefy, melt, soften, dissolve, liquefy, separate, thin, etc
To think about them means to talk with them; otherwise they immediately turn to us their objectivized side: they fall silent, close up, and congeal into finished, objectivized images.
Mikhail Bakhtin
Social Example:
A warm and humid airmass will return to the area from the south on Sunday. This sets the stage for thunderstorm development late Sunday afternoon across northwest Neb. The storms should congeal into a complex as they move southeast across western Nebraska Sunday evening. #NEwx
— NWS North Platte (@NWSNorthPlatte) June 12, 2021
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