[responsivevoice]Solipsism[/responsivevoice] [sol-ip-siz-uh m]
The word of the day is ‘solipsism’.
The word is a noun, i.e., it is the main subject of the sentence.
No, the word is a noun. Therefore, it does not have a past form.
It means:
1. The theory that only the self exists
2. The quality of being self-centerd or selfish
1. This theory is also called Subjective Idealism or Solipsism.
2. Thus idealists are wedded to solipsism irrevocably; and it is a happy marriage, only the name of the lady has to be changed.
3. I realize now that I may have been falling into the trap of solipsism, “who watches the quad,” et cetera, type of thing.
4. The philosophic system becomes solipsism, a pure lyric expression of the appetites of human nature.
Some synonyms of today’s word are:
egoism, self-containment, subjectivity, egocentricity, ipseity, narcissism, self-absorption, self-reliance, autonomy, singularity, uniqueness, etc.
Some antonyms of this word of the day are:
objectivity, omniscience, universality, empathy, self-sacrifice, selflessness, community, companionship, intimacy, etc.
In every story of solipsism, there is always a conspiracy. Why? Because there is always a background involved in every perception.
Douglas Lain
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