Sequester meaning, usage, quotes, and social examples

Today’s word of the day is ‘Sequester‘ Let us understand more about this word. 

[responsivevoice] Sequester [/responsivevoice] [si-kwes-ter]

What is this word’s grammar?

The word is a verb, i.e., it demonstrates an action or occurrence.

Does the word have a past tense? What is it?

Yes, the past form of the word is sequestered.
What is the meaning of the word?
It means:

1. (Of a place) isolated and hidden away

2. Isolate

3. Seclude

4. Hide away

How is the word pronounced in popular languages?

1. Hindi- Prthak

2. Spanish – Secuestrar

3. French – Séquestrer

4. Mandarin – Gélí

How to use this word in a sentence?

1. They could bequeath their goods without having him sequester an outrageous part.

2. She is sequestered in deepest Dorset.

3. Mrs. Proudie would come upon him in such a case as that, and sequester his living.

4. The hand, which he makes use of to sequester ancient rights, and to open a way to the desert over the fruitful land.

5. But beyond the pledgee and the sequester (a receiver appointed by the court), these exceptions are unimportant and disputed.

What are some synonyms of the word of the day?

Some synonyms of the word are:

Isolate oneself, hide oneself away, shut oneself away, seclude oneself, cut/shut oneself off, set oneself apart, segregate oneself, closet oneself, withdraw oneself, remove oneself, retire, cloister, close off, insulate, segregate, separate, withdraw, enisle, etc.

What are some antonyms of the word of the day?

Some antonyms of the word of the day are:

Lay bare, reveal, tell, uncover, bring out, etc.


If you look at one of the basic underlying tenets of liberty, it’s freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom to access of information. If we start sequestering that and blocking it off, you’re going to have pockets around the world that are going to become more and more isolated.

Ted yoho

Social Example:

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