[responsivevoice]rosy [/responsivevoice] [ roh-zee ]
The word of the day is ‘rosy’.
The word is an adjective, i.e., it adds more information about the noun or sentence.
No, the word is an adjective. Therefore, it does not have a past form.
It means:
1. Pink
2. Cheerful
3. Promising or suggesting good fortune or happiness
4. Hopeful
1. Her cheery partner was paddling his rosy brows with a fine handkerchief.
2. Her face would have been quite pale, but for the rosy tinge of surprise.
3. The memory had the power to make her cheeks turn rosy.
4. The strategy has produced results beyond the rosy forecasts.
5. Her face glowed with rosy colour, yet her forehead was wrinkled with care.
Some synonyms of today’s word are:
auspicious, bright, encouraging, favourable, glowing, optimistic, pleasing, promising, rose-coloured, sunny, alluring, likely, reassuring, roseate, pink, pinkish, rose pink, rose red, radiant, blooming, blushing, flushed, ruddy, high-coloured, rubicund, florid, erubescent, rubescent, full of promise, sunny, cheerful, happy, upbeat, sanguine, propitious, peaches and cream, cherry, flamingo, florid, best of all worlds etc.
depressing, hopeless, pale, sad, pallid, sallow, bleak, dismal, livid, miserable, bloodless, gloomy, hopeless, white, ashen, cadaverous, dreary, pessimistic, achromatic, blanched, grim, black
There’s no really rosy scenario ahead, where climate change just doesn’t happen, but I believe we don’t have the ethical right to throw our hands up in the air and say, ‘Game over.’ Whatever pathway we choose, our descendants will be dealing with that reality for centuries to come.
Alex Steffen
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