[responsivevoice] quell [/responsivevoice] [ kwel ]
The word of the day is ‘quell’.
The word is a verb, i.e., it demonstrates an action or an occurrence.
Yes, the past form of the word is quelled.
It means:
1. Defeat
2. Suppress
3. Alleviate
4. Calm
5. Put an end typically by the use of force.
1. He should be able to quell a mutiny, check a mob or stamp out a rebellion.
2. To quell this feeling, a reorganization of the army was effected.
3. Extra police were called to quell the disturbance.
4. She quelled an urge to race up the stairs.
5. My words and manner had been too much for her, anxious as she was to quell the storm.
Some synonyms of today’s word are:
annihilate, conquer, crush, extinguish, overcome, put down, quench, silence, stamp out, stifle, subdue, kill, overpower, queer, stop, subjugate, vanquish, hush up, put the lid on, shut down, sit on, allay, appease, assuage, ease, mitigate, mollify, pacify, quiet, soothe, compose, deaden, dull, moderate, reduce, still, put an end to, stamp out, put a stop to, end, finish, get rid of, curb, nip in the bud, thwart, frustrate, squash, quash, suppress, repress, extinguish, abolish, terminate, beat, overcome, defeat, rout, destroy, demolish, wipeout, extirpate, squelch etc.
bring about, prompt, aggravate, agitate, annoy, incite, increase, intensify, irritate, provoke, upset, worry, worsen, liberate, strengthen, disturb, perturb, succeed, win, build-up, compliment, encourage, help, lose, praise, release, start, surrender, yield, begin
My advice for telling someone else’s story is to try not to consciously bend the story in any particular direction – to listen with an open mind, to include the good with the bad, to attempt to quell one’s biases and allow the person you’re writing about to emerge as wholly as possible, warts and all.
Michael Finkel
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