[responsivevoice]Poignant[/responsivevoice] [poin-yuhnt]
Poignant is an adjective, i.e., it adds more information about the noun.
Poignant is an adjective, therefore, it doesn’t have a past form.
Poignant means :
1. A feeling of sadness or guilt
2. The feeling of pain
1. She could not at first guess any possible cause for an emotion so poignant.
2. The father of the murder victim bade a poignant farewell to his son.
Poignant doesn’t have a plural form since it is an adjective.
Some of the synonyms for the word poignant are:
pitiable, pathetic, sad, moving, touching, disturbing, emotional, heartbreaking, sentimental, agonizing, distressing, perturbing, upsetting etc.
Some of the antonyms for the word poignant are:
cheerful, unaffecting, happy, unemotional, indifferent, unmoving, etc.
The disasters of war can be infinitely eerie and poignant.
Micheal Leunig
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