[responsivevoice]pedantic[/responsivevoice] [ puh-dan-tik ]
The word of the day is ‘pedantic’.
The word is an Adjective, i.e., it adds more information about the noun or sentence.
No, the word is an adjective. Therefore, it does not have a past form.
It means:
1. Bookish
2. Precise
3. Excessively concerned with minor details or rules
4. Overscrupulous
1. In his pedantic way, he began to tell her the story of Jeanne, so far as he knew it.
2. His object, he professed, was “to corrupt the pedantic city.”
3. I have known this word more than once objected to as pedantic
4. “The facts are as follows,” replied Tibby, who had at times a pedantic lucidity.
5. He encountered some of the most pedantic of them while residing at Lausanne and Geneva
Some synonyms of today’s word are:
abstruse, pompous, stilted, academic, arid, didactic, doctrinaire, donnish, dry, dull, egotistic, erudite, formal, fussy, hairsplitting, learned, nit-picking, ostentatious, overnice, particular, pedagogic, priggish, punctilious, scholastic, schoolish, sententious, overscrupulous, precise, exact, over-exacting, perfectionist, precisionist, meticulous, fastidious, finical, finicky, dogmatic, purist, literalist, literalistic, formalist, casuistic, casuistical, sophistic, sophistical, captious, hair-splitting, quibbling, pettifogging, fault-finding, hypercritical, cavilling, carping, pernickety, overnice, learned, cerebral, didactic, bookish, highbrow, ivory-tower, pretentious, pompous, intellectual, academic, scholarly, literary, egghead, etc.
Some antonyms of this word of the day are:
plain, simple, imprecise, informal etc.
Great wealth could make an enormous difference over the next decade if they sensibly support the scientific elite. Just the elite. Because the elite makes most of the progress. You should worry about people who produce really novel inventions, not pedantic hacks.
James D. Watson
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