Today’s Word of the Day: “Banquet” Let’s delve deeper into this word. Banquet [bang-kwit] Etymology of the Word The word “Banquet” comes from the Old French word “banquet”, meaning “small…
Today’s Word of the Day: “Aardvark” Let’s delve deeper into this word. Aardvark [ahr-dvahrk] Etymology of the Word The word “Aardvark” comes from the Afrikaans language, meaning “earth pig.” Grammar…
Today’s Word of the Day: “Quintessential” Let’s delve deeper into this word. Quintessential [kwin-tuh-sen-shuhl] Etymology of the Word The word “Quintessential” comes from the Medieval Latin word “quinta essentia,” which…
Today’s Word of the Day: “Serendipity” Let’s delve deeper into this word. Serendipity [ser-uh n-dip-i-tee] Etymology of the Word The word “Serendipity” was coined by Horace Walpole in 1754, inspired…
Today’s Word of the Day: “Nostalgia” Let’s delve deeper into this word. Nostalgia [no-stal-juh] Etymology of the Word The word “Nostalgia” comes from the Greek words “nostos” meaning “return home”…
Today’s Word of the Day: “Ephemeral” Let’s delve deeper into this word. Ephemeral [ih-fem-er-uhl] Etymology of the Word The word “Ephemeral” comes from the Greek word “ephēmeros,” which means “lasting…
Today’s Word of the Day: “Luminary” Let’s delve deeper into this word. Luminary [loo-muh-ner-ee] Etymology of the Word The word “Luminary” comes from the Latin word “luminarium,” which means “lamp”…
Today’s Word of the Day: “Ineffable” Let’s delve deeper into this word. Ineffable [in-ef-uh-buhl] Etymology of the WordThe word “Ineffable” comes from the Latin word “ineffabilis” which means “that cannot…
Today’s Word of the Day: “Quintessential” Let’s delve deeper into this word. Quintessential [kwin-tuh-sen-shuhl] Etymology of the Word The word “Quintessential” comes from the Latin word “quintus” meaning “fifth” and…