[responsivevoice] nimble [/responsivevoice] [ nim-buhl ]
The word of the day is ‘nimble’
The word is an adjective, i.e., it adds more information about the noun or sentence.
No, the word is an adjective. Therefore, it does not have a past form.
It means:
1. Dexterous
2. Smart
3. Agile
4. Able to think and understand quickly
1. Hindi – Chatur
2. Spanish – Ágil
3. French – Agile
4. Mandarin – Mǐnjié
1. Her face was so distressed that Linda’s nimble brain flew to a conclusion.
2. Nimble thought can jump both sea and land.
3. He was at that time slender, nimble, and full of youthful ardour.
4. But nimble Mr Trenchard was easily master of the situation.
5. You will have about your faithful lieges, willing subjects, nimble servitors.
adept, adroit, agile, bright, deft, lithe, lively, quick, skilful, swift, active, alert, brisk, clever, handy, light, lissome, proficient, prompt, quick-witted, ready, sprightly, spry, vigilant, sprightly, acrobatic, active, limber, flexible, dexterous, nippy, zippy, fleet etc
Some antonyms of the word are:
awkward, clumsy, ignorant, inept, slow, sluggish, stiff, stupid, unskilled, unskillful, lumbering, undexterous, unhandy, gawky, maladroit, vacuous, dopey, inept, brainless, stupid, ponky, idiotic
I knew that I could sing when I was young. I would listen to a lot of jazz; I’m a big jazz fan. When I first got to high school and studied musical theatre, I could sing. But I added certain things to my voice, and I realized after graduating high school that this is the kind of voice I had. It’s not very nimble, but it’s heavy.
Andra Day
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