[responsivevoice] morose [/responsivevoice] [ muh-rohs ]
The word of the day is ‘morose.’
The word is an adjective, i.e., it adds more information about the noun or sentence.
No, the word is an adjective. Therefore, it does not have a past form.
It means:
1. Depressed
2. Pessimistic
3. Sullen
4. Ill-tempered
1. Hindi – Udaas
2. Spanish – Malhumorado
3. French – Morose
4. Mandarin – Méiguī
1. He was tired and morose, and a settled worry clouded his face.
2. It made him morose and gloomy, a man of one idea, to be shunned.
3. But Robin didn’t laugh; his eyes, morose and cynical, held her there.
4. Even the Terrace was dusty, and the Members rusty and morose.
5. Stephen, taking his cue from his sister, was morose and silent, also.
Some synonyms of today’s word are:
cranky, dour, gloomy, glum, grouchy, melancholy, mournful, sad, sullen, surly, testy, ugly, acrimonious, blue, brusque, cantankerous, choleric, churlish, crabbed, crabby, cross, dolorous, down, down in the dumps, frowning, gruff, harsh, ill-humoured, ill-tempered, irritable, low, moody, moping, perverse, perversive, saturnine, snappish, sour, splenetic, sulky, taciturn, troubled, bad-tempered, unsmiling, humourless, unresponsive, unsociable, scowling, glowering, sombre, sober, pessimistic, doleful, miserable, dismal, depressed, dejected, despondent, downcast, unhappy, low-spirited, grumpy, crotchety, peevish, waspish, narky, mardy, mumpish etc
Some antonyms of the word are:
bright, cheerful, content, gentle, happy, joyful, pleasant, friendly, light-hearted, optimistic, uplifted, communicative
There’s always room to make stuff that is completely morose and downbeat, but we’d probably spiral into a state of complete despair if our music reflected the lyrics all the time. I think that’s almost the fun game with some songs, is this complete tearing of two feelings at once.
Dan Smith
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