Today’s word of the day is ‘Indispensable.’ Let us understand more about this word.
[responsivevoice] indispensable [/responsivevoice] [ in-di-spen-suh-buhl ]
What is this word’s grammar?
The word is an adjective, i.e., it adds more information about the noun or sentence.
It means:
1. Necessary
2. Basic
3. Mandatory
4. Vital
How is the word pronounced in popular languages?
1. Hindi – Aparihaary
2. Spanish – Indispensable
3. French – Indispensable
4. Mandarin – Bì bùkě shǎo
How to use this word in a sentence?
1. Gas is indispensable in the operation of dirigible balloons, and gas is expensive.
2. It would seem that for the first of these duties they are indispensable.
3. To effect this object, an alteration of the French frontier is indispensable.
4. There are all sorts of indispensable formalities to be observed.
5. The rivalry is an indispensable and normal adjunct of such unity.
What are some synonyms of the word of the day?
Some synonyms of the word are:
basic, crucial, essential, fundamental, imperative, vital, basal, cardinal, key, necessitous, needed, needful, prerequisite, primary, required, requisite, etc.
What are some antonyms of the word of the day?
Some antonyms of the word are:
additional, auxiliary, extra, inessential, minor, nonessential, secondary, trivial, unimportant, dispensable, needless, redundant, superfluous, unnecessary
Those who challenge the law in one or another of its aspects weaken the whole legal structure of society. For one man to disobey a law he does not like is to invite others to disobey another law which he may regard as indispensable to his own livelihood – or life.
Robert Kennedy
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