The pandemic set in and changed the world for all of us. Learning and education now seem like a whole new thing. the things that we once learned in classrooms, now take place online. But it does have an impact on the quality of learning if not done efficiently? English learners have are also facing quite a dilemma when it comes to the same. Those who were on a quest to improve the English language on a personal level, now have to do it by themselves. But how?
Aren’t languages something that requires expert help? Don’t we need people to communicate with? How can one improve English without fellow learners? These questions and the like have kept learners around the world busy. But we wish to change that today. Let us focus our attention on how this is a possibility in this new impossible world as it seems. Even without stepping out of the house, there are ways to master a language. Vocabulary Today will take you through some of them.
How to Improve your Vocabulary during the Lockdown?
1. Keep an open mind about the situation
Most of usually tend to not achieve a lot of things owing to pre-set notions. We feel that obstacles are a way to stop us. Let not the lockdown be one of them. There is a way out in every situation. If you keep an open mind that you will not let this stop you, you are not far from your learning-goals. All you need is a strong will-power and an organized plan.
2. Form an online learner’s group
When in Rome, be a Roman- they say, and we agree. Let us gel with the lockdown, and take our learning online. You might have friends from your classes who set out with you on the journey to improve English. Form a group of all such people either on Whatsapp or other communication applications. In this manner, there can be an exchange of information. Articles like these, daily quizzes, etc. can all be shared in that group. Moreover, each of you can take turns to host online meetings once a week and share everything they learned throughout the week.
3. Download English learning apps
Vocabulary Today itself now has IOS and Android apps based on artificial intelligence to make learning just a click away. Doesn’t it make you feel comfortable to hold on to what you want? Well, hold on to such apps. Even though you don’t have a physical classroom or teacher, you can still get a rich learning experience. The idea is to improve English, and so, how and when the learning happens shouldn’t matter. Such apps and their constant notifications keep the urge to learn an on-going feeling.
4. Join Virtual Classrooms
There are several teachers who have gone technical and now make their classes available online. If money is not a barrier, then signing up for such classes is no harm. Make sure you join the ones that go live so that you are part of an interactive classroom and not when where you have to nod & answer to yourself. The teacher-student conversation, corrections, and motivation to do better are aspects that you shouldn’t rule out when you are on the journey to improve English.
5. Plan Communication Calls
Phones are such an important part of our lives, that we anyway stay clung to it. Why not use one communication to only improve English? Call the people you know who are good at the language once in a while. Request them to give you ten minutes of their time, so that you can converse with them in the English language. They can even correct you and guide you where you went wrong. This will not allow a pause in oral communication.
15 Amazing Facts About the English Language You Didn’t Know!
6. Get in touch with your teacher/professor
No good teacher will deny you any help, whether a lockdown or not. Get in touch with them, and seek their advice on things you can do at home. You can also request them to check a few of your write-ups in their free time. Getting feedback on how well you are performing is will boost you to learn further.
7. Solve online Quizzes
There are several online quizzes available on the internet for free. Since we are accepting the online world to be our new normal, let us surrender to that format for our benefit. Type online English quizzes, and you will find several of them with scoring. You will know what areas you need to work on to improve your English language. What’s more? Vocabulary Today also offers several daily and weekly quizzes! Check out our website for more details and subscribe to get direct notifications about new quizzes.
8. Prepare a self-evaluation sheet
When you decided to improve your language, you would know your strengths and weaknesses. Prepare a sheet for self-evaluation. Work on those areas one by one through various such articles, and using the tips mentioned above. You are sure to find yourself moving forward towards success. That is a guarantee. You only have to make sure you do it with conviction.
We hope these tips help you stay focused on improving your language, and not letting the lockdown fall back on your learning plans. Stay subscribed to us to meet your goals.
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