[responsivevoice]expropriate[/responsivevoice] [ eks-proh-pree-eyt ]
The word of the day is ‘expropriate’.
The word is a verb, i.e., it demonstrates an action or an occurrence.
Yes, the past form of the word is expropriated.
It means:
1. Seize
2. Take (property) from its owner for public use or benefit
3. Deprive of possessions
4. Take over
1. This becomes clear as soon as an attempt is made to expropriate anything.
2. Their assets were expropriated by the government.
3. The Communist government expropriated the landowners.
4. Capitalism has expropriated the human race, the General Strike aims to expropriate capitalism.
5. The Government has the right to expropriate land for the purpose of excavations.
Some synonyms of today’s word are:
annexe, confiscate, requisition, sequester, appropriate, arrogate, assume, commandeer, dispossess, impound, preempt, take, accroach, deprive of property, take over, seize, take away, take possession of, claim, make claim to, acquire, sequestrate, wrest, misappropriate, usurp, arrogate, distrain, expropriation, compulsory acquisition, seizure, compulsory purchase, dispossessing etc.
give, keep, refuse, reject, distribute, distribute, deliver, provide, convey, relinquish, render, cede, emulate, alienate, give favour to, appropriate, dispense, assign, arrange, bestow, submit, transmit, assemble, commence
We are determined that expropriation without compensation should be implemented in a way that increases agricultural production, improves food security, and ensure that land is returned to those from who it was taken under colonialism and apartheid.
Cyril Ramaphosa
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