Today’s word of the day is ‘Eidolon’ Let us understand more about this word.
[responsivevoice] eidolon [/responsivevoice] [ ahy-doh-luh n ]
1. Phantom
2. Spirit
3. Haunt
4. Illusion
1. Hindi – Moh Maaya
2. Spanish – Eidolón
3. French – Eidolon
4. Mandarin – Huàn líng
1. The house exists still, or the shell of it—the ghost of old Wenderholme, its appearance, its eidolon!
2. Accounts say that it was her double, or eidolon, which figured at Troy.
3. For the time his thought was quit of its consequence; no eidolon outwardly repeated his inward vision.
4. He dressed as an eidolon for Halloween with a white sheet over his head.
5. To some, popular movie stars are the eidolons of fashion.
Some synonyms of the word are:
hallucination, apparition, chimaera, daydream, delusion, dream, figment, haunt, illusion, mirage, nightmare, phantasm, revenant, shade, shadow, spectre, spirit, spook, vision, wraith, ignis fatuus etc.
What are some antonyms of the word of the day?
Some antonyms of the word are:
actuality, being, brightness, certainty, fact, light, reality, truth
By a route obscure and lonely, haunted by ill angels only, where an eidolon named night, on a black throne reigns upright. I have reached these lands but newly, from an ultimte dim thule- from a wild weird clie that lieth sublime. Out of space- out of time.
Edgar Allan Poe
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