[responsivevoice] dreary [/responsivevoice] [ dreer-ee ]
The word of the day is ‘dreary.’
The word is an adjective, i.e., it adds more information about the noun or sentence.
No, the word is an adjective. Therefore, it does not have a past form.
It means:
1. Gloomy
2. Lifeless
3. Depressingly dull and bleak
4. Dull
1. Hindi – Sunasaan
2. Spanish – Triste
3. French – Morne
4. Mandarin – Qīliáng
1. All was deep, dreary darkness, but Siegfried had not learned fear.
2. She looked around the room: what an ugly, dreary little room it was!
3. He found the district to the north to be a dreary waste, destitute of food and water.
4. I woke early on a Sunday morning, and a most dreary morning it was.
5. The state or condition in which the wicked cease from struggling and the dreary are at rest.
bleak, boring, colourless, damp, depressing, dingy, dismal, drab, dull, forlorn, humdrum, lonely, monotonous, sad, sombre, tedious, uneventful, uninteresting, windy, wintry, wretched, black, cheerless, comfortless, depressive, dispiriting, doleful, downcast, funereal, glum, joyless, lonesome, melancholy, mournful, oppressive, pedestrian, raw, routine, sorrowful, wearisome, banal, bland, insipid, colourless, lifeless, unexciting, unstimulating, desolate, vapid, jejune, humdrum, prosaic, featureless, grim, gloomy etc
Some antonyms of the word are:
bright, cheerful, colourful, encouraging, eventful, exciting, glad, happy, hopeful, interesting, joyful, light, lively, nice, pleasant, clear
I have a lot of alter-egos: I would love to be a back-up singer for someone someday. I have an electronic side-project. I have a ’90s grunge side project; I have a piano project… I have this industrial, goth-electronic song, super creepy sounding, just really dark and dreary.
Sharon Van Etten
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