[responsivevoice]demure[/responsivevoice] [dih-myoor]
The word of the day is ‘demure’.
The word is an adjective, i.e., it adds more information about the noun or the sentence.
No, the word is an adjective. Therefore, it does not have a past form.
It means:
1. Reserved
2. Affected
3. Shy
4. Modest
1. I don’t know how we are to make a demure young lady of her.
2. She was tall and slender as a lath, very compliant and demure.
3. “Thomas is asleep, and Lafayette needs to be quiet,” was the demure reply.
4. She met his earnest gaze with a demure smile, “I do not know, Monsieur.”
5. It came in a demure murmur, eyelashes lowered with fascinating effect.
Some synonyms of today’s word are:
modest, unassuming, meek, mild, reserved, retiring, quiet, shy, bashful, diffident, reticent, timid, timorous, shrinking, coy, decorous, decent, seemly, ladylike, respectable, proper, virtuous, pure, innocent
maidenly, virginal, chaste, sober, sedate, staid, prim, prim and proper, priggish, prissy, prudish, goody-goody, strait-laced, puritanical, old-maidish, straight, starchy, uptight, square, retired, etc.
Some antonyms of this word of the day are:
brazen, shameless, bold, aggressive, outgoing, strong, brave, extrovert, etc.
If feminism was a dress, it would be that essential little black number, reached for in times of need; different for everyone but a steady constant in a woman’s life. Outspoken or understated, demure or provocative, worn to reflect the mood, the personality, the time.
Esther McVey
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