Bleak – meaning, usage, quotes, and social examples

[responsivevoice] bleak [/responsivevoice] [ bleek ]

What is the word of the day?

The word of the day is ‘bleak’.

What is this word’s grammar?

The word is an adjective, i.e., it adds more information about the noun or sentence.

Does the word have a past tense? What is it?

No, the word is an adjective. Therefore, it does not have a past form.

What is the meaning of this word?

It means:
1. Barren
2. Depressing
3. Cold and miserable
4. Barren Moor

What it means in popular languages?

1. Hindi Berang
2. Spanish – Desolado
3. French – Morne
4. Mandarin – Cāngliáng

How to use this word in a sentence?

1. The morning was cold, and a strong wind swept the bleak hills.
2. His bleak face looked soft and his deep voice had a slight tremor.
3. Only bleak, black and grey hills of rock and rubble were there, no cars, no life.
4. Sunday was bleak and stormy, and no one stirred out of the house.
5. He stood off from us with his arms folded and his face was as bleak as a winter-bitten wood.

What are some synonyms of the word of the day?

Some synonyms of today’s word are:
austere, chilly, cold, desolate, dreary, grim, bare, blank, blighted, bombed, bulldozed, burned, cleared, deforested, desert, deserted, exposed, flat, gaunt, open, raw, scorched, stripped, unpopulated, unsheltered, weather-beaten, wild, windswept, stark, arid, denuded, empty, treeless, without vegetation, defoliated, unwooded, keen, harsh, wintry, piercing, penetrating, biting, nipping, stinging, sharp, freezing, icy, icy-cold, frosty, frigid, nippy etc.

What are some antonyms of the word of the day?

bright, cheerful, friendly, happy, hot, sympathetic, warm, appealing, comfortable, comforting, congenial, encouraging, nice, pleasant, sunny, lush, verdant, balmy


I am always drawn to things that feel different to what I would experience at home: things that offer a combination of unfamiliarity and a sort of bleak glamour. I think the outback has that.

Louis Theroux

Social Example:

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