No, the word is an adjective. Therefore, it does not have a past form.
1. Examining
2. Analytic reasoning
3. Curious
4. Perceptive
1. Hindi –Vishleshanaatmak
2. Spanish – Analítico
3. French – Analytique
4. Mandarin – Fēnxī xíng
1. The aims of analytical treatment are therapeutic or maieutic.
2. He can provide invaluable analytical skills.
3. Despite progress, a more analytical report was still required.
4. All reagents shall be of recognized analytical grade.
5. Analytical details as to the efficiency of this process have not been given.Some synonyms of the word are:
analytic, cogent, detailed, diagnostic, interpretive, investigative, penetrating, rational, scientific, systematic, thorough, conclusive, discrete, dissecting, explanatory, expository, inquiring, inquisitive, judicious, logical, organized, perceptive, perspicuous, precise, problem-solving, questioning, ratiocinative, reasonably, searching, solid, sound, studious, subtle, testing, valid etc.
What are some antonyms of the word of the day?
Some antonyms of the word are:
cursory, chaotic, disorganized, illogical, synthetical, unsystematic, fat-headed, visceral, dozy, disorganized,
An excellent habit to cultivate is the analytical study of the King James Bible. For simple yet rich and forceful English, this masterly production is hard to equal; and even though its Saxon vocabulary and poetic rhythm be unsuited to general composition, it is an invaluable model for writers on quaint or imaginative themes.
H. P. Lovecraft
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