Today’s word of the day is ‘Altercation‘ Let us understand more about this word.
[responsivevoice] Altercation [/responsivevoice] [awl-ter-key-shuhn ]
What is this word’s grammar?
The word is a noun, i.e., it is the main subject of a sentence.
Does the word have a past tense? What is it?
No, the word is a noun. Therefore, it does not have a past form.
1. Verbal fight
2 Argument
3. Hassle
4. Bone of contention
How is the word pronounced in popular languages?
1. Hindi – Takaraar
2. Spanish – Altercado
3. French – Altercation
4. Mandarin – Zhēngchǎo
How to use this word in a sentence?
1. As I remember, Gerace had suffered some altercation with the senior members of the department.
2. A man punched a male acquaintance several times during a physical altercation.
3. Investigators allege Jackson produced a gun and fired multiple times after an altercation at a large party.
4. In September 2019, Jamie Spears stepped down as conservator after a physical altercation with one of Spears’s sons.
5. We knew we would have large crowds, the potential for some violent altercations.
What are some synonyms of the word of the day?
Some synonyms of the word are:
argument, bickering, blowup, brawl, flap, fracas, quarrel, run-in, tiff, wrangle, beef, brush, combat, contest, controversy, dispute, embroilment, fuss, hassle, row, rumble, set-to, words, squabbling etc.
What are some antonyms of the word of the day?
Some antonyms of the word are:
agreement, calm, harmony, peace, accord, quiet, concord, union, unity etc.
Several witnesses describe seeing an altercation in the car between Mr. Brown and Officer Wilson. It was described as wrestling, tug-of-war. Several other witnesses described Mr. Brown as punching Officer Wilson while Mr. Brown was partially inside the vehicle.
Robert P. McCulloch
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