[responsivevoice] acquiescence [/responsivevoice] [ ak-wee-es-uh ns ]
The word of the day is ‘acquiescence’
The word is a noun, i.e., it is the main subject of a sentence.
No, the word is a noun. Therefore, it does not have a past form.
It means:
1. Reluctant agreement
2. Acceptance of something without protest.
3. Consent
4. Approval
1. Hindi – Razaamandee
2. Spanish – Aquiescencia
3. French – Consentement
4. Mandarin – Mòrèn
1. Peter read it very deliberately, then he nodded in acquiescence.
2. Their acquiescence could amount to a waiver.
3. Then she smiled graciously and nodded her head in token of acquiescence.
4. Silence and acquiescence are closely related.
5. The marquis still maintained a silence which was interpreted as acquiescence.
acceptance, assent, concurrence, consent, obedience, yielding, accession, approval, compliance, conformity, permission, resignation, submission, submissiveness, giving in, agreement, approbation, sanction, conforming, adherence, accord, accordance, conceding, OK, nod, abidance, permit etc
Some antonyms of the word are:
disagreement, dissent, refusal, denial, fight, nonconformity, resistance, veto, insubordination rebellion
When political leaders fail to denounce anti-Semitic violence and slurs, the void is not only demoralizing to the victims, but silence actually enables the wrongdoing. Silence by elected officials, in particular, conveys approval – or at least acquiescence – and can contribute to a climate of fear and a sense of vulnerability.
Chris Smith
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