Abrupt – meaning, usage, quotes, and social examples

Today’s word of the day is ‘Abrupt.’ Let us understand more about this word. 

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What is this word’s grammar?

The word is an adjective, i.e., it adds more information about the noun or sentence.

Does the word have a past tense? What is it?
No, the word is an adjective. Therefore, it does not have a past form.
What is the meaning of the word?

Word of the day-Abrupt

It means:

1. Happening suddenly and unexpectedly

2. Hasty

3. Broken off

4. Sudden

How is the word ‘Abrupt’ pronounced in popular languages?

1. Hindi – Aakasmik

2. Spanish – Abrupto

3. French – Brusque

4. Mandarin – Tūrúqílái

How to use this word in a sentence?

1. Her abrupt entry into the room, while he was in bed, startled him.

2. Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment

3. Its lines are harsh and abrupt, nearly geometrical.

4. What can have happened to make you leave the Church in this abrupt and violent fashion?

5. I am afraid I shall be abrupt, but it is necessary to be explicit.

What are some synonyms of the word of the day?

Some synonyms of the word are:

hasty, hurried, precipitous, quick, sudden, surprising, unanticipated, unexpected, unforeseen, jerky, precipitate, rushing, unceremonious, quick, etc.

What are some antonyms of the word of the day?

Some antonyms of the word are:

expected, lazy, slow, at ease, calm, deliberate, expansive, gradual, kind, leisurely, nice


When you go through a long illness, certainly one of cancer, there’s a certain release from it and relief that it has come to an end, because the suffering can be unbearable, as opposed to an abrupt stop to life when they go out the door and there’s a loved one who never comes home because of some accident.

Pierce Brosnan

Social Example:


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