We are all so busy in learning new and advanced words in our daily lives, that we sometimes forget to focus on the basics. Why not have avocabulary list to glance at when you are looking for a very common word for a particular context? This list includes a unique science and arts vocabulary.
Science and Arts Vocabulary List
1. Cartography
We could never make through school without understanding the maps in Geography. But little did we know that it is the art of making & designing maps & charts is what we call Cartography. One needs to have the knowledge of both, science as well as arts (fine arts) to work in this field. It derives its meaning from the word chart or charte and is one of the very lesser known words in the science and arts vocabulary.
2. Genealogy
Have you heard or met someone who studies about families and their descents? Genealogy is that part of science that covers this study. People workingg in this field are very organized, and use a lot of graphs and charts. They help people find their lineages, create family trees and create genetical records with the help of interviews, tests and historical records.
3. Chromatics
Chromatics is the science of studying colors; that is completely new information, isn’t it? People who work in this science study about the various properties of colors, the various colors that exist in different solids, liquids and gases. They form their researches based on several theories.
4. Etymology
If you are linguist lover, then you should add this word to your science and arts vocabulary list. Etymology is the study of the origin and history of, here it is, WORDS. Beyond studying the words and finding its origins, people who work in this field of profession also conduct researches on how the meaning and usage of words change over time. Not just words, but the science of etymology is also responsible for the study of phrases and idioms.
5. Numismatics
Some of few might have come across the word numismatics, which refers to the study of coins. This noun word also means the study of the collection of coins, notes, and medals. It requires the use of history to understand the use of money by the people who lived in the past, and the various mediums of exchange of money in the present & future. Those hold this as a hobby are also counted in numismatics.
6. Anthropology
Anthropology is all about us; to explain better, the study of manind, cultures and human is the major study of this science. Besides that, it studies the various theories of evolution and the varioys physical and biological aspects connected with it. Scientifically speaking, the science in itself is divided into four categories to make their study more refined and catagorized.
This science and arts vocabulary list is sure a very a novel idea to stay updated with some fields of studies that we did not know existed. Plus, it does make learning new words a lot more informative than our regular vocabulary which is not so specific as this.
If you liked this lesson, they you may like the article on the lesser known collectie nouns. You can read that article here.
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