Have you heard about collocations? If not, you’re about to know soon, only to find out that we use them every day, but did know about it. Recollect all those words that you use in a pair; like, null and void, back and forth, men and women, salt and pepper, etc. (maybe now you agree that we use them every day!). Unlike redundancy, collocations are pair words, that are usually used together to emphasize better.
Using them makes us sound more natural. But let’s leave these common examples behind, and update ourselves with these 20 super cool pair words to boost your vocabulary. Take a look at these unique collocations that you can copy-paste in your routine communications.

Hem and Haw
Assuming you haven’t read about this pair words before, let’s dive straight into what it means. We usually use the words ‘hem’ and ‘haw’ together owing to the force of habit. This collocation means to take longer than required to make a decision. For example, If you continue to hem and haw this way, then the company will offer this position to someone else.
Cloak and Dagger
No, we’re not referring the web-series on Netflix. Although, it wouldn’t be wrong to credit the show for the use of this collocation. It means anything that seems mysterious or piques our interest. Here’s a fun fact: this word pair draws its source from the French language. Example, We realized that the company’s plan was a cloak and dagger mission. We later realized that they were letting go of 10 people together!
Block of Flats
Someone asks you, “Hey, where do you live?” You want to say you live in an apartment, but that is so boring! Why not get trendy and say, I live in a block of flats. It means a residential building that comprises of several apartments.

Gag Order
Even though this is much of a legal term, organizations and institutions now use ‘Gag Order’ to issue new commands. A Gag Order means to prevent someone from passing a public comment, more so, to avoid influencing others. People now use this in their routine conversations. For example, the council was forced to abandon any attempt to impose a gagging order on this newspaper on Friday.
Rave Review
There is a certainty that you have read a rave review before but didn’t know that is amongst the cool ones from the word pairs list. When a reviewer or a journalist reviews a movie or a book with utmost enthusiasm, we call it a rave review. Now imagine your friend who cannot stop ‘raving’ about the new restaurant she just tried; it seems like something you can slip into your talks, isn’t it? My God! You have given me quite a rave review about this place. I almost want to go there tonight for dinner! FYI, ranting and raving is another such collocation.
Hot and Bothered (Maybe you have heard this one from the pair words before)
You can use this pair whenever you want to refer to an anxious person or situation, most likely due to pressure. I saw the group run to the check-in counter looking hot and bothered due to their excessive luggage. See, so simple, and yet so unique!
Stars and Stripes
Maybe, this will be your favorite from this list of pair words! The collocation Stars and stripes refer to the US Flag but add a nice ring to it. This is how you can use it: They hoisted the stars and stripes when they commenced the ceremony, which fluttered with pride against the wind!
Go ahead then, instill these in your vocabulary, and enhance your language! If can think of any other word pairs, then commend them in the section below.
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