Before you go ahead updating yourself with this vocabulary lesson, might we suggest you check out Part one of the SAT vocabulary? You can read it here. If you have, then it is time to learn 12 more of these in this lesson, but not without a quick revision. Here are the words we covered in Part 1.
Here’s a fun way to practice; as you read the words, try remembering all the details about them. You will surely be able to remember a minimum of 80% of the details.
- Ambiguous
- Belligerent
- Corroborate
- Deplete
- Esoteric
- Fastidious
- Simulate
- Tenacious
- Verbose
We are sure you could remember most of these words from the previous lesson. It is time to go on!
SAT Vocabulary (Part 2)
1. Analogous
Remember what we covered last time; go over the details with each word more than once so that you can retain it for longer.
Definition: comparable in certain respects, typically in a way which makes clearer the nature of the things compared
Synonyms: comparable, parallel, similar, like, corresponding, related, kindred, matching, cognate, equivalent, etc.
Let us also take a look at some antonyms.
Antonyms: dissimilar, unrelated, etc.
Example Sentence: Green onions are considered analogous to spring onions.
2. Clout
Our next word isn’t something that will help you study the SAT vocabulary, but also can come in use every day.
Definition: influence or power, especially in politics or business.
Synonyms: influence, power, pull, weight, sway, leverage, control, say, mastery, dominance, domination, advantage, etc.
Example Sentence: Children who belong to influential families seem like they have a lot of clout from the way they behave with others.
3. Dreary
Definition: depressingly dull and bleak or repetitive.
Synonyms: dull, drab, uninteresting, flat, dry, banal, bland, insipid, colorless, lifeless, sterile, tedious, wearisome, boring, etc.
Let us also take a look at some antonyms.
Antonyms: exciting, cheerful, bright, etc.
Example Sentence: The dreary round of working, eating, and trying to sleep took a lot out of me.
4. Foreseeable
Foreseeable from the common words of SAT vocabulary is surely something that many of you would know. But its meaning makes it a part of our daily vocabulary.
Definition: able to be foreseen or predicted.
There are not many synonyms that we can work with this word, but there could be twisting sentences made out of the word’s definition.
Example Sentence: It doesn’t look like the school’s will reopen in the foreseeable future.
5. Lucrative
Definition: producing a great deal of profit.
Synonyms: profitable, profit-making, gainful, remunerative, moneymaking, paying, high-income, well paid, high-paying, bankable, cost-effective, etc.
Antonyms: unprofitable
Example Sentence: Matt had a lucrative career ahead of him in the stockmarket; he chose to open a store instead.
6. Opine
Opine is one word that we can all learn to fit into our daily conversations without much difficulty to understand.
Definition: hold and state as one’s opinion
Synonyms: suggest, submit, advance, propose, venture, moot, propound, posit, air, hazard, say, declare, etc.
Let us also take a look at some antonyms.
Example Sentence: The new employee opined at the company meeting.
7. Quirk
Definition: a strange chance occurrence.
Synonyms: chance, fluke, freak, anomaly, an unusual occurrence, turn, a peculiar turn of events, twist, twist of fate, etc.
Example Sentence: A strange quirk of fate had led her to work for Nathan.
8. Refute
Definition: prove (a statement or theory) to be wrong or false; disprove.
Synonyms: disprove, prove wrong/false, show/prove to be wrong/false, rebut, confuse, give the lie to, demolish, explode, debunk, etc.
Antonyms: confirm
Example Sentence: These claims have not been convincingly refuted.
9. Sinister
Sinister is an adjective word that you should include in your personal, as well as SAT vocabulary.
Definition: giving the impression that something harmful or evil is happening or will happen.
Synonyms: menacing, threatening, ominous, forbidding, baleful, frightening, eerie, alarming, disturbing, disquieting, dark, etc.
Example Sentence: Medieval peasants believed sinister demons could harm humans.
10. Ubiquitous
Definition: present, appearing, or found everywhere.
Synonyms: omnipresent, ever-present, present everywhere, everywhere, all-over, all over the place, pervasive, all-pervasive, universal, worldwide, etc.
Let us also take a look at some antonyms.
Antonyms: rare, scarce.
Example Sentence: His ubiquitous influence was felt by all the family.
11. Validate
Definition: check or prove the validity or accuracy of.
Synonyms: prove, give proof of, show to be true, give substance to, uphold, support, back up, bear out, justify, vindicate, substantiate, etc.
Let us also take a look at some antonyms.
Antonyms: invalidate, disprove
Example Sentence: Acclaim was seen as a means of validating one’s existence.
12. Yield
This is the last word on our SAT vocabulary lesson.
Definition: produce or generate (a result, gain, or financial return)
Synonyms: produce, bear, give, supply, provide, afford, return, bring in, pull in, haul in, gather in, fetch, etc.
Example Sentence: The farmer’s annual pumpkin yield exceeded 10,000.
Try making sentences with these words. The more you use them in your conversations, the easier it is to remember them. All the best!
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